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Musyck Anon at Riverside Gardens, Stratford-upon-Avon

Join us  -  Singing with Musyck Anon

Do you love to sing?

Would you like to join fellow singers at a fun and informal evening, learn a varied repertoire
with experienced choir members, and find out more about Musyck Anon?

Then please join us at one of our Open Evenings.

Next Open Evening

To be arranged

Interested in joining us?  Please email:

The Choir

We are an a capella choir based in Evesham.  We perform in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and the Vale.  Our repertoire encompasses a wide range of styles and periods from the 13th to the 21st centuries, providing a challenging and very rewarding experience for our members.


Musyck Anon at Stratford-upon-Avon

We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at Evesham Baptist Church, led by our Musical Director Robert Chadburn or Deputy Conductor Sally Chestnutt.  We have experienced singers who enjoy passing on their knowledge and skills to new members.

We sometimes rehearse parts separately and we have a wealth of material to share, e.g. digital tracks of complete songs or individual parts.

Rehearsals are lively, informal and always include cake!


Musyck Anon at Wick

We take part in the annual Shakespeare Birthday Celebration in Stratford-upon-Avon, charity concerts, busking, local fetes and festivals.  We hold a very popular Christmas concert in Evesham.

On some occasions, we perform in 16th century costume.  We have costumes available for new members to use when they first join.

We sing in a variety of venues; churches, village halls and outdoors.

Good to know

In recent years, Musyck Anon has raised over £7,000 for local and national charities including Bloodwise (formerly Leukaemia Research) and Evesham Garage Arts Group.

Why not give us a try  -  you’ll be glad you did  -  and so will we!

Musyck Anon at Wick